When are you born?

Our factory was born officialy on 1994 but research and construction started on 1971 with first telescope realization. Was continued with works, reparations, ecc on friends request. Video shot by Lolli Alfiero (Adriano`s father) on 1994

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 1082 video

13335768 view

Convergence of the winds (Mistral and Libeccio) together with the lightnings

Atmospheric phenomenon caused by low pressure.

8820 view

Falling Moon with identifiy flying object.

Which exposure to use to photograph the moon?

31953 view

Recipe: Caggionetti

11491 view

3 steps of the ISS international space station

12754 view

9052 view

Beetle Morimus Asper

16071 view

Voyager odyssey in the space . Images between the major planets and satellites

8228 view

10 x 50 Jenoptem : Clean of prisms and lenses with a mold.

Is it possible remove the mold from the prisms of my binoculars?

14734 view

Supermoon VS Clouds december, 2017 : unfortunate evening

11053 view

Modify Celestron finder from direct to 90°

I have a right telescope finder. Is it possible modify for 90° vision?

9209 view

Walk in space with GoPro outside the international station

Is a Gopro really reliable?

8683 view

Ursa Minor costallation: natural vision movie of Polaris

9079 view

Modify Angenieux 12-120 lens with c-mount graft for mirrorless cameras.

I have a Panasonic and an Angenieux lens with c-mount graft but i can use it because i don`t have infinity focus . Do you have a solution with an adapter?

18388 view


I have an Agfa Isola but the shoot doesn`t works. Could you repair it?

7100 view

Pentacon Orestegor Meyer-Optik Gorlitz adapter for Nikon, Canon, Pentax, ecc

I have a Gorlitz 135 lens and i want mount it on Nikon camera without optical adapter. Do you have a solution?

9985 view

Asterism of Pleiades

9374 view

Delphinus costellation movie with a metheor

9306 view


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 Costruzioni Ottiche Meccaniche Lolli Adriano - Via Leopardi 86 - 64046 Montorio al Vomano (TE)  - ITALY - P.IVA 00872610670  Cod.Fiscale: LLLDRN56D22F690C  


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