When are you born?

Our factory was born officialy on 1994 but research and construction started on 1971 with first telescope realization. Was continued with works, reparations, ecc on friends request. Video shot by Lolli Alfiero (Adriano`s father) on 1994

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 1082 video

13333745 view

Replacement of lenses on camcorders action cam cameras

Do you work for other factories?

9097 view

The rising of the Sun seen through the pinhole with focal length 1000 mm

What limits are there using the pinhole?

8816 view

Cinerea Moon

7566 view

Exakta 66 mod 3

Can i mount Kiev 88 lens on my Exakta 66?

7589 view

Arrakis astronomical observatory - Lolli Adriano short version

What materials can be used to build the Star Window dome?

10020 view

Modifying bayonet from Nikon F to Nikon AI

I have a Nikon F lens but it doesn`t mount on my digital camera. Can you help me?

14771 view

A Gengis Khan descending ( 1928 )

What`s need to make a movie as silent cinema?

11093 view

CAMERA ADAPTER for Surgical Microscope

I have a Zeiss surgical microscope. Can i use it ad my Sony E-mount APSC camera?

11380 view

Accommodation lens doesn`t focus

I have bought lens not focus. Could you repair it?

9080 view

Occultation of IO satellite with Jupiter - Fast motion movie

I saw movie of IO occultation With Jupiter... How long does the original shooting and exposure speed are the individual frames.

6792 view

Test AMPLI 830 with refractor 70/900

Does you built it with T2 male-female graft?

8073 view

Without words

6761 view

9202 view

7516 view

8444 view

9171 view

6984 view


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 Costruzioni Ottiche Meccaniche Lolli Adriano - Via Leopardi 86 - 64046 Montorio al Vomano (TE)  - ITALY - P.IVA 00872610670  Cod.Fiscale: LLLDRN56D22F690C  


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