When are you born?

Our factory was born officialy on 1994 but research and construction started on 1971 with first telescope realization. Was continued with works, reparations, ecc on friends request. Video shot by Lolli Alfiero (Adriano`s father) on 1994

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 1109 video

14203836 view

3877 view

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7511 view

Natural vision movie.

12792 view

5979 view

Pinhole lens movie with or without filter.

Is it possible mount filters on your pinhole lens? Which diameter it has?

17967 view

Video with pinhole lens

Is it possible take video with pinhole lens? Do you have a movie?

18496 view

Movie with wide angle pinhole 22mm focal length

I see you made a hole pinhole lenses with focal lengths from 44mm. You can make it with a focal 22 mm?

18067 view

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Tilt adapter video

I spoke about tilt adapter effects? Do you have an example?

26805 view

Dashcam movie made with a lens without lens.

Morning. DO you have a movie to show a wide effect with a Pinhole?

16398 view

Movie of the Sun with or without Ampli 830

Ampli works on solar telescope also?

14726 view

Delphinus costellation movie with a metheor

9619 view

4238 view

12831 view


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 Costruzioni Ottiche Meccaniche Lolli Adriano - Via Leopardi 86 - 64046 Montorio al Vomano (TE)  - ITALY - P.IVA 00872610670  Cod.Fiscale: LLLDRN56D22F690C  


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