When are you born?

Our factory was born officialy on 1994 but research and construction started on 1971 with first telescope realization. Was continued with works, reparations, ecc on friends request. Video shot by Lolli Alfiero (Adriano`s father) on 1994

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Piggy Back.

I would like to apply my camera parallel to the SCT to shoot wide-field, using the telescope follower. Do you have something?

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2 inch and 1,25 eyepiece for photo lens

I saw that realized connection to utilize astronomy eyepiece on photo lens. What are they?

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Safety precautions in tripod`s use

It is true that in the mountains is dangerous to bring photographic tripods?

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Productive activities Award, town of Montorio al Vomano conferred to Adriano Lolli

I want express my congratulations to company that, despite this crisis, where there are reality that close, continue his work. What is your secret?

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What are the exhibitions where do you attend?

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Spectrophotometer SPEC 3: introduction

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Rainbow prism educational

I would like to see the breakdown of light to explain the rainbow to my students. Do you have something?

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 Costruzioni Ottiche Meccaniche Lolli Adriano - Via Leopardi 86 - 64046 Montorio al Vomano (TE)  - ITALY - P.IVA 00872610670  Cod.Fiscale: LLLDRN56D22F690C  


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