When are you born?

Our factory was born officialy on 1994 but research and construction started on 1971 with first telescope realization. Was continued with works, reparations, ecc on friends request. Video shot by Lolli Alfiero (Adriano`s father) on 1994

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 1100 video

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Leica Summicron 35mm f2 modify with custom adapter

13471 view

Modify: From Nikon F lens to AI bayonet

I have old Nikon F lenses and don`t mount on digital cameras. Have you a solution?

24238 view

Modifying bayonet from Nikon F to Nikon AI

I have a Nikon F lens but it doesn`t mount on my digital camera. Can you help me?

15188 view

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Rubinar 300 mm f 4,5 lens : modify

I have a Rubinar 500mm f5.6 but i can`t mount it on my camera bacause beats pentaprism. Do you have a solution?

18648 view

Trioplam Meyer-Optik lens with Altix graft to Canon eos EF camera modify

Did you have connection for Trioplan Meyer-Optik lens with Altix graft for mount it on Canon eos camera?

24621 view

TV Lens TARCUS 50mm f 0.95 modification lens

Is it possibile use a TV Lens TARCUS 50mm f 0.95 with c mount graft on my Fuji X-mount camera?

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ANGENIEUX C MOUNT lens to Leica M and Leicina modify

It`s possible to change a C-mount film lens with to Leicina graft?

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MTO 1000 modify, primary mirror

Charles: I changed my MTO 1000 in telescope but I don`t see a good picture, why? John: I`m told that is possible to increase MTO 1000 quality. Is this true?

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Olympus Zuiko OM lens to Nikon camera modify

I have a Zuiko Olympus lens with OM graft and i would utilize it on my nikon but without connection. Is it possible change bayonet?

19601 view

Zeiss binocular tower modify. Reduced optical path and collimation

I have a Zeiss binocular tower for microscope and i want utilize it on my TEC 140 refractor telescope. Is it possibile?

18741 view


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