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C O N T A T T A C I   /  C O N T A C T   U S

Dal  19/12/2024  al  06/01/2025 From  19/12/2024  to  06/01/2025



sarą possibile procedere con gli acquisti.

Buone feste!!!

We infor our customer that will be closed 

from 21st of December to 7th of January 2025 included.

Working activities will resume on 7th of January but

it's possible purchase in our website.

Have a good holidays!


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Found a problem or mistake on website?

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 Costruzioni Ottiche Meccaniche Lolli Adriano - Contrada Piane 135 - 64046 Montorio al Vomano (TE)  - ITALY - P.IVA 00872610670  Cod.Fiscale: LLLDRN56D22F690C  


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