Telescopio riflettore di tipo newton (SKY-WATCHER HERITAGE 76) diametro specchio primario 76 mm con montatura Dobson lo strumento ideale per avvicinarsi al mondo dell’Astronomia. Leggero, trasportabile, semplicissimo da utilizzare.
SCHEMA OTTICO: Newtoniano DIAMETRO: 76 mm LUNGHEZZA FOCALE: 300 mm RAPPORTO FOCALE: f/4 MONTATURA: Dobson Monobraccio OCULARI in dotazione: 25mm e 10mm CERCATORE: 5x24 PESO: 1,96Kg
In 1609, Galileo Galilei first looked through his telescope, and changed science forever. His discoveries provided solid evidence that disproved the prevailing belief that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Throughout history, scientists such as Johannes Kepler and Sir Isaac Newton further revolutionized the design of the telescope. To celebrate the International Year of Astronomy, Sky-Watcher is proud to present the commemorative edition of Newton’s telescope—Heritage.
Heritage 76
- Highly affordable and easy to use Dobsonian base, perfect for beginners
- Great all-around astronomical viewing performance
- Aluminized and overcoated mirrors
- Carefully engineered to combine ease of use, extreme portability and consistent performance in an affordable package
- Enough light gathering power to allow simple study of galaxies, star clusters, and nebulae. Diameter: 76mm, Focal Length: 300mm
- 2 interchangeable eyepieces Available in 3 colors. (Custom design available for quantity orders. Contact your local Sky-Watcher distributor for information.)
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