
La nuova montatura CGEM consente di sostenere tubi ottici anche particolarmente pesanti come lo Schmidt-Cassegrain C11 della Celestron, sia per applicazioni visuali che fotografiche grazie alla capacità di carico di 18 Kg. Inoltre, grazie alla massima velocità di spostamento di 5° al secondo, sarà in grado di puntare velocemente qualsiasi oggetto contenuto nel database della pulsantiera. La montatura CGEM possiede una innovativa procedura di allineamento polare chiamata All-Star. La All-Star consente all'utente di scegliere una qualsiasi stella luminosa mentre il software calcola ed assiste l'allineamento polare. Un'altra caratteristica della CGEM, particolarmente utile per gli astroimager, è il PPEC (Permanent Periodic Error Correction) che consente di diminuire l'errore periodico della montatura. Caratteristiche tecniche Montatura equatoriale alla tedesca Robusto treppiede con porta oggetti Motorizzazione doppio asse Computer NexStar con database di oltre 40.000 oggetti Porta autoguida Attacco a coda di rondine tipo Losmandy Contrappeso da 5 Kg Peso: 18,6 Kg Capacità di carico: 18 Kg
 CGEM Computerized Mount - General Features •Holds a maximum instrument capacity of 40 lbs •CGEM Computerized Equatorial Mount •Ultra sturdy 2" steel tripod with Accessory Tray CGEM Computerized Mount - Computerized Mount Features •40,000 object database with over 100 user-definable objects and expanded information on over 200 objects •Proven NexStar computer control technology •Flash upgradeable hand control software and motor control units for downloading product updates over the Internet •New "All-star" Polar alignment uses any bright star for a quick and accurate Polar alignment •Software Features include: Mount Calibration, Database Filter Limits, Hibernate, five Alignment Procedures, and user-defined slew limits •Custom database lists of all the most famous deep-sky objects by name and catalog number; the most beautiful double, triple and quadruple stars; variable star; solar systems; objects and asterisms •Permanent programmable periodic error correction (PEC) - corrects for periodic tracking errors inherent to all worm drives •Custom database lists of all the most famous deep-sky objects by name and catalog number; the most beautiful double, triple and quadruple stars; variable star; solar systems; objects and asterisms •Steel worm gear and 90mm pitch diameter brass worm wheel •Drive Motors - Low Cog DC Servo motor with integrated optical encoders offer smooth, quiet operation and long life. The motor armatures are skewed to minimize cogging which is required fro low speed tracking. •Internal Cable wiring for trouble-free setup and transportation •Designated six-pin RJ-12 modular jack, ST-4 compatible guide port •Autoguide port and auxiliary ports located on the electronic plate for long exposure astrophotography •Double line, 16-character Liquid Crystal Display Hand Control with backlit LED buttons for easy operation of goto features •RS-232 communication port on hand control to control the telescope via a personal computer •Includes NexRemote telescope control software, for advanced control of your telescope via computer •Precision machined 40mm diameter steel Polar shafts supported by multiple tapered roller bearings and ball bearings. •GPS-compatible with optional CN16 GPS Accessory •Secure power plug ensures that the Mount's power source is not accidentally disconnected |
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